Empower students with energy safety, efficiency
and sustainability resources! |
Whether your students are in a classroom or at home this fall, our energy education resources can help them catch up on possible learning losses and maintain grade-level standards in ELA/Reading, Science, Social Studies and Health. |
Order complimentary activity booklets for classroom use or to send home to students and their families |
These high-interest booklets offer students an engaging break from screen time. They feature energy activities and experiments, power line safety and natural gas leak response tips, and home safety inspections to engage the whole household. When students share safety and energy resources with their families, everyone benefits! |
Discover our Energy Explorer website |
Our Energy Explorer website complements the activity booklets with more activities, experiments and games, as well as videos on electrical and natural gas science and safety. Use our website in the classroom and/or assign the online curriculum materials for remote learning at home. |
Meet academic content
standards |
Our materials are developed by educators, for educators, and support Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island academic content standards in ELA/Reading, Science, Social Studies and
Health/Safety. |
Share these resources with parents and caregivers |
Encourage your students’ parents/caregivers to take advantage of these resources by sending home booklets and providing a link to the Energy Explorer website. Here is some language that can be copied and pasted into an email to send to parents/caregivers: |
Our local electricity and natural gas provider, National Grid, has created engaging and fun educational materials on energy safety, efficiency and sustainability for our students and families. These include booklets, online resources and parent/teacher guides: |
• |
Booklets feature home safety inspections, energy activities, power line safety tips, natural gas leak response tips and experiments to do at home. I will be in touch on how to obtain booklets. |
I hope you enjoy exploring these helpful energy education resources with your student! |
Thank you for your commitment to energy education and safety. |
View, download, print or order a variety of complimentary educational resources at ngridenergyworld.com. |
To report emergencies, call 911 and National Grid immediately. |
Smell Gas. Act Fast. |
In case of gas emergencies: |
Long Island and the Rockaways:
911 and 1-800-490-0045 |
Metro New York:
911 and 1-718-643-4050 |
Upstate New York:
911 and 1-800-892-2345 |
911 and 1-800-233-5325 |
Rhode Island:
911 and 1-800-640-1595 |
In case of electric emergencies: |
Upstate New York:
911 and 1-800-867-5222 |
911 and 1-800-465-1212 |
Rhode Island:
911 and 1-800-465-1212 |
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