Over four decades we’ve acquired an impressive amount of public safety data specific to the utility industry. This unique and valuable data lake includes leading indicators, such as stakeholder engagement metrics, feedback, and best practices. We also have a wealth of at-risk audience contact information, preferences, demographics, and geolocation, as well as primary research on program effectiveness, usage, and value.
We also collect and analyze lagging indicators, such as:
- Dig-in damage ratios by geography, operating company, and repeat offenders
- Claims and incident data within the self-insured retention level
- Claims from excess liability carriers
- Utility public safety program benchmarking data
By drawing on all of this data, we’re able to help our clients tell a more compelling story to internal as well as external audiences.
List Development
Our meticulous list-building process ensures that your message reaches the right target audiences, and also provides ongoing evidence of list quality and accuracy for regulatory agencies.
To deliver the most comprehensive and up-to-date list data available, we augment our own extensive informational database with a number of private and public sector databases, specialized list providers, and sophisticated proprietary software.
Data Collection
The only way you can gauge the success of your safety outreach, establish meaningful benchmarks, and continually improve your results is through effective measurement. And effective measurement is only possible through rigorous data collection. Clean, accurate and up-to-date data supports solid analysis, reporting, and decision making.
Our programs capitalize on every touch point—from business reply mail and emails to web forms and teleservices—to capture vital customer information, with strict quality controls to ensure data integrity. Our data analysts regularly review inputs and outputs, comb existing data for accuracy, scrub improper or duplicate data, and perform regular updates.
Database Management Systems
Your outreach data is critical to rate cases, legal claims, regulatory audits, and management decision making. We can make sure that this data is secure and readily accessible by the people who need it.
We’ll construct a secure database management system to actively receive outreach program data and safely store historical data. Our database administrators tightly manage authentication and access privileges, and regularly perform activity audits, system upgrades, and backups. You can be confident that your data is always safe and always available.
Data visualizing and Reporting
Culver outreach programs offer a variety of reporting tools and expert analytics. A standard, web-based reporting site provides essential program data such as a snapshot analysis, searchable data, and downloadable spreadsheets—all updated daily. We can also develop custom tools such as dashboards and database search engines to help you meet your organization’s management needs.
Leading indicators are data inputs that help predict, and therefore can prevent, public safety incidents from occurring. Our proprietary primary research and program databases capture dozens of public safety activities and results-based metrics that link to increased evidence of lasting safety behavior and, ultimately, incident reduction and long-term risk mitigation.
While more difficult to directly influence, public safety lagging indicators, such as claims, dig-ins, incidents, and fines, are relatively easy to measure. Typically, utilities select one or more enterprise-level lagging indicators to convey their safety commitment to regulators, industry analysts, and the media.
We can help you identify strategically important leading and lagging indicators for your utility, and for your particular service areas. We can also develop a model linking our proprietary data with your own leading or lagging indicator data to create a broader perspective of the interplay between activities and outcomes. This can provide additional confidence that you’re on the correct path to meeting your operational, reputational, financial, and regulatory goals.
With the tremendous amount of public safety information now available, Culver predictive analytics models can help you better understand the complicated relationship between various data points. Through advanced statistical modeling techniques and sophisticated data analyses, we’re able to use historical performance data to extrapolate and predict the impact of specified actions on future results. Resulting models reduce ambiguity and enable your utility to influence future outcomes by taking action today.
Public safety industry benchmarks let you directly quantify and compare your outreach results with those of competitors and other industry players. Culver’s proprietary primary research and program databases offer valuable insights into organizational best practices, and a deeper understanding of what you need to do to produce best-in-class results.